Connect with and learn from other mobile A/C industry experts
Becoming a MACS member allows mobile A/C industry experts—spanning all generations and expertise levels—to forge valuable connections with each other. By having easy access to those who may be more advanced or in a different field, each member is able to quickly gain the knowledge they need to best provide mobile A/C expertise to their customers. This site uses Paypal to process credit card payments, however a Paypal account is not necessary.
To become a MACS, member please select your membership option below and complete our online application process.
Printable MACS Membership Form

Service Repair Shop Membership
To qualify for MACS membership as a service and repair business, an organization or individual must be actively engaged in servicing or repairing and/or installing mobile (vehicle) HVAC systems. Service shops are also listed in our public find a shop directory. Service members receive:
- 5 free Section 609 online certification tests in the first year ($120 value)
- 5 free Section 609 replacement card credentials ($60 value)
in addition to all the member benefits listed on our website.
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Manufacturer/Supplier Membership
Manufacturer members gain access to other members for networking, relationship building, staff training and industry information.
To qualify for MACS membership as a manufacturer/supplier, an organization must perform the original manufacture of HVAC systems for vehicles and equipment. Industry suppliers are also included in the manufacturer/supplier category, including but not limited to:
- Manufacturers of new parts, refrigerants, supplies and service tools used in the mobile HVAC industry.
- Remanufacturers of parts and service tools used in the mobile HVAC industry.
- Suppliers of production equipment used for the manufacture of HVAC system components.
- Organizations that are the principal owners of the brand or trade name of parts, equipment, refrigerant, anti-freeze, cleaning solutions, supplies and service tools sold through them to the mobile HVAC industry.
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Distributor Membership
To qualify for MACS membership as a distributor, an organizations or individual must be actively engaged in stocking, promoting and distributing mobile HVAC systems or parts (distribution includes wholesale and retail). In cases where service or installation is also performed, those services are considered secondary to marketing systems or parts.
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Educational Membership-MACS Path to Mobile A/C Success
Join MACS as an educational member and become a MACS Section 609 proctor to put your students on the MACS path to mobile A/C success!
Many automotive program instructors may serve as MACS Section 609 proctors, but do not receive the benefits and resources of a MACS Educational Membership.
The MACS “Path to Mobile A/C Success Program” for colleges and their associated educators brings the MACS pioneering EPA section 609 training program together with MACS mobile A/C expertise to make your MVAC program the best of the best and graduate students ready to be successful mobile A/C service and repair techs.
Who should participate in this program?
Vocational and College level automotive curriculum instructors. Industry Trainers whose sole function is training.
Service Installers, Individuals, Manufacturers and Distributors are not eligible for this membership
What are the benefits of MACS membership?
- Join MACS as an educational member and receive a preferred MACS Section 609 proctor package that includes a complimentary digital instructor kit and video.
- View a complimentary Section 609 train the trainer session. (Eligible for CEU credits)
- Access to educational resources from the MACS member-only archive website to use for your student MVAC classes as lesson plans or to obtain additional CEU credits for staff instructors.
- Attend a complimentary annual MACS Mobile A/C class online to enrich your personal knowledge and obtain CEU credits.
- Receive MACS member-only pricing on textbooks.
- Eligible to apply for a registration scholarship to MACS annual Training Event and Trade Show.
- Six annual print issues of MACS ACTION magazine and six issues of the MACS Service Reports.
What are the benefits to my educational institution?
- Your educational institution can hold community Section 609 classes as a continuing education program for your area techs as a fund-raiser for your automotive department.
- You will graduate automotive service technicians better qualified to perform mobile A/C repair.
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Associate/Individual Membership
Those who may qualify for MACS membership as an individual include:
- Testing laboratories who test parts for complete HVAC systems.
- Engineers or consultants who are specific to the mobile HVAC industry.
- Independent manufacturer representatives serving the mobile HVAC industry.
- Publishers of books or trade publications relevant to the mobile HVAC industry.
- Trade associations in the automotive, HVAC or related industries.
- Retirees—those no longer actively employed in the mobile HVAC industry.
- Individuals with an interest in the mobile HVAC industry who don’t qualify for any other member section.
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