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What exactly goes on in a wind tunnel test?



T/CCI’s Wind Tunnel: Let’s test it!

By Steve Schaeber, MACS Technical Editor

One of MACS most unique mobile A/C training events was held on Friday, May 29th in Decatur, Illinois at T/CCI’s Climatic Wind Tunnel facility. Amongst those who gathered for the event were MACS members and non-members, representing manufacturers, distributors and service shops.

A team of three instructors from T/CCI’s engineering group hosted morning class in their wind tunnel control room, which was repeated again in the afternoon. Training was led by Senior Engineering Manager Dick Ennis, accompanied by Development Engineer Greg Easter and Matt Wilson, wind tunnel manager. By the time class started around 8:30 a.m., a 2014 Ram 3500 HD pickup truck was already set up in the tunnel, on the dynos, chained down and wired up with probes. Read the whole article and much more when you download the July/August 2015 issue of ACTION.

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