Mobile A/C training when you want it!
Online and on-demand
If you’ve been too busy or the COVID-19 situation has made it difficult for you to attend mobile A/C training MACS has the solution. Visit our website at to view our catalogue of mobile A/C training videos. It’s mobile A/C training when you want it.

These online classes are recorded and available for you to watch on your computer when you want to watch them.
We’ve just added Mobile A/C Essentials with Peter Orlando of Carquest and MACS Mobile A/C Update with Steve Schaeber, MACS manager of service training. We also have a Section 609 Test Prep webinar that covers the information you need to know for the MACS Section 609 certification test.
MACS also features advanced classes on other automotive topics in partnership with our member and training partner Automotive Video.
These webinars are perfect to get the shop together for a lunch and learn.
Check out our on-demand offerings at