The cool kids ride air conditioned school buses
By Andy Fiffick, MACS Chairman and CEO
The “cool kids” ride air conditioned air conditioned school buses!
More and more school districts are requiring their school transport buses to be air conditioned. On blazing hot days, high in humidity, it is a matter of comfort for riders. In the era of COVID-19, filtration of the air is an important matter of safety.
If you have never worked on an air conditioning system for a school or transport bus, you’ll find out quickly that it is a different animal entirely. If you have not been properly trained, a school bus A/C job will kick your horseshoes!
That’s why one of the most anticipated training sessions at MACS 2021 Training Event and Trade Show features long-time MACS member and industry expert Jerry Lemon. Jerry will spend over two-hours on a school bus A/C training session that will cover the basics of school bus A/C for most applications.

Attendees will have the opportunity to learn about performance requirements and basic system arrangements. Jerry will discuss some of the State-required performance standards in place and include service requirements for some of the more common A/C systems being used on school buses around the country.
Jerry will also present information on upgrades that can be performed to increase performance during service, trouble spots to look for, failure characteristics, important service processes and other items related to the servicing of school bus A/C systems.
I hope this whets your appetite for this and all the high-level A/C training being offered at MACS 2021 Training Event and Trade Show, September 29 through October 2, at the Rosen Centre Hotel in Orlando, FL.
You can visit MACS website at and pre-register online. Registration prices will be higher at the show.
We can’t wait to see you, learn from you and network in person!
I also take this opportunity to welcome the more than 100 new members who have joined the Mobile Air Climate Systems Association (MACS) this year! Thank you for strengthening our community with your participation.
You can join MACS as a member now by clicking here.
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