Selection of the Proper O-Ring for Your MAC Application
Did you know the selection of the proper O-ring for your MAC Application can have a major result on your A/C repair?
O-rings play a key role in mobile air conditioning applications by sealing various surfaces to help contain any liquid or gas being conveyed. Factors that can disrupt this function can include chemical resistance, temperature capability, and multiple formulation specific properties. Aaron Clark of Danfoss will present this class on Thursday, February 2 from 1-1:45pm.

Danfoss is also supporting MACS 2023 Training Event and Trade Show as the Silver Sponsor of the heavy-duty and off-road training program. The support of Danfoss allows for attendees to benefit from quality heavy duty, mobile A/C training.

In this class you’ll learn:
The objective of this presentation is to examine factors that influence the appropriate application and selection of O-rings for mobile air conditioning equipment and to establish useful selection criteria.
Attend this presentation and many more informative mobile A/C classes when your register for MACS 2023 Training Event and Trade Show, February 2-4, 2023, at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel and Convention Center In Nashville, TN.

Plan the classes you’ll attend by viewing the entire MACS 2023 Training Event Program.
Reserve your host hotel room at the Gaylord online or call 877-351-5021 by Monday, January 9, 2023, to guarantee the event room rate.

Questions? Call MACS at 215-631-7020 x 0 or email