Understanding and Diagnosing A/C
In the Understanding and Diagnosing A/C class at MACS 2023 Training Event, you’ll go beyond minimum requirements for recovery, evacuating, recharging, and recycling by offering real world examples in diagnosing and repairing A/C electrical, computer / BCMs, climate control and electronic components. Most of today’s vehicles come equipped with electronically controlled A/C systems.

Auto A/C systems have become more difficult to diagnose using the repair strategies learned from years of servicing R-12 and R-134a systems. This class will cover operation and service of todays and tomorrow’s air conditioning systems including R-1234yf. Join “G” Jerry Truglia, of Dorman Products for this class on Saturday, February 4, 8:00-9:30am This class will be repeated at 1:00-2:30pm
Attend this presentationand many more informative mobile A/C classes when your register for MACS 2023 Training Event and Trade Show, February 2-4, 2023, at the Gaylord Opryland Hotel and Convention Center In Nashville, TN.

Plan the classes you’ll attend by viewing the entire MACS 2023 Training Event Program.
Reserve your host hotel room at the Gaylord online or call 877-351-5021 by Monday, January 9, 2023, to guarantee the event room rate.

Questions? Call MACS at 215-631-7020 x 0 or email info@macsmobileairclimate.org