Follow up on the 12/30/22 EPA virtual public hearing
By Steve Schaeber, MACS Technical Editor
Let me start off by saying Happy New Year! to everyone, and here’s to a great 2023!
Since many of you were on holiday vacation (a few MACS members asked me what happened in the meeting), here’s a quick update on the EPA virtual public hearing, which took place on Friday, December 30, 2022 at 11:00am.
In short, not a whole lot happened.
It was a “virtual public hearing”, which means the EPA was looking to the public to offer comments on their proposed rule (Technology Transitions Restrictions on the Use of Certain Hydrofluorocarbons under Subsection (i) of the American Innovation and Manufacturing Act, docket # EPA-HQ-OAR-2021-0643).

It was not an informational meeting, nor a discussion, but rather it was similar to a court deposition. The meeting was recorded, and each commenter was allowed a strict 5-minute time limit to speak. Most comments were read from prepared documents, and as the hearing is going to be transcribed and posted into the official public record (the docket), EPA requested those documents be sent to them.
Commenters varied from all different sectors of the HFC community, and not just mobile A/C.
Comments were made by these industry associations:
- Air Conditioning Heating and Refrigeration Institute
- Alliance for Automotive Innovation
- Alliance for Responsible Atmospheric Policy
- Heating Air Conditioning and Refrigeration Distributors International
- Household and Commercial Products Association
- Natural Resources Defense Council
- Polyisocyanurate Insulation Manufacturers Association
Comments were also made by these companies:
- General Coatings Manufacturing Corp
- Hoshizaki America
- Thermo Fisher Scientific
- Trane Technologies
On the mobile A/C side, written comments were offered by IGSD (Institute for Governance and Sustainable Development) and MACS (Mobile Air Climate Systems Association).
Most comments were in support of EPA’s proposed rule, with some asking EPA to pay close attention to details particular to their subsector.
MACS 2023
And don’t forget… The MACS 2023 Training Event and Trade Show is taking place Feb 2-4, 2023 at the Gaylord Opryland Resort in Nashville, TN. Join us there to experience the BEST in mobile A/C information and training from our industry’s experts!
Want to learn more about this proposed rule? Here’s a link to it on EPA’s website:
Comments from the 12/30 meeting will be posted on EPA’s website.
EPA’s docket number for the proposed rule: EPA-HQ-OAR-2021-0643
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Want to learn more about what’s happening in the mobile air conditioning industry? Be sure to read the next issue of ACtion Magazine! The mobile air conditioning industry’s journal of record. Published by MACS, you can find ACtion on our website.
Thanks for reading.

About the author:
Steve Schaeber is the technical editor and manager of service training for MACS, the Mobile Air Climate Systems Association. He’s been in the automotive industry since 1989 and writing about the mobile air conditioning sector since 2013. You can reach Steve at:
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