The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) continues to accept comments on the proposed use restrictions to thousands of chemicals commonly found in automotive and other applications related to PFAS. PFAS stands…
Let’s say I brought my car in to your shop with an A/C problem and described what was going on with it. You might ask me if myself or someone else had worked on it. Right?
The email questions are already coming in, and they go kind of how you’d expect: What’s going on with the price of R-134a? Is there going to be a shortage of R-134a supply?
On December 27, 2020, President Trump signed into law the Consolidated Appropriations Act, which at $2.3 trillion is one of the largest spending bills in US history. It combines $600 billion in COVID relief with $1.4 trillion in twelve different appropriations bills. One of them is the AIM Act.