Many vehicles now have electric cooling fans that do not operate until necessary, when the engine coolant temperature climbs above a certain point.
The heater core is located inside the passenger compartment of the vehicle, quite often very deeply buried inside or under the instrument panel, or behind some other type of interior trim panel. Some SUVs and vans have two heater cores, a front and a rear.
A radiator has 2 tanks, one containing the inlet and one containing the outlet. These tanks, which can be at the top and bottom or sides, are usually made of aluminum, brass, copper, or plastic (most newer vehicles use the plastic type).
This particular cabin air filter came from a Volvo class 8 truck and it hadn’t been changed for three years! It was retired in favor of a replacement. We wanted to share this photo with you to show you how cabin air filters do their job
The water pump is the heart of the cooling system. It circulates the coolant through the engine, radiator and heater core. These days, certain vehicles (like some SUVs, vans and most hybrids) often have more than one water pump, and the auxiliary pumps are usually run by electric motors and controlled by a computer.
The purpose of desiccant in a mobile air conditioning system is to absorb and hold
moisture. Moisture in a system (above an acceptable level) can lead to corrosion and
degradation of the lubricant.
Some odor treatments are merely feeble attempts to cover up odor. They are doomed to fail. Almost all odor treatment products fail to provide a long-term residual effect that can reduce the reoccurrence of odor. Here is a brief description of the performance capabilities of various odor treatments by product type.
A 1990 amendment to the Clean Air Act has forever changed the way air conditioning systems are serviced. It is believed that the release of CFC-12 to the atmosphere is responsible for depletion of the earth’s ozone layer.
Check your owner’s manual to see if your car has a cabin air filter. If the answer is yes you may want to make a note to check with your service professional to see if it should be replaced.
ATC systems contain what we’ll refer to as three major component groups. These are: The Controller – The “brains” of the system; The Sensors – Supply the controller with pertinent…