Let everyone know you are Section 609 certified
The Mobile Air Climate Systems Association (MACS) has introduced new T-shirts for Section 609 certified technicians to wear and show off their accomplishment after becoming successfully certified.

The shop-friendly, black T-shirts are available in S, M, L, XL, 2X, 3X and 4X at a special introductory price of $18 for MACS members and $20 for non-members and shipping is included.
To order online at the MACS website visit this page and scroll all the way down to the T-shirt order area.
You can also call the MACS office at 215-631-7020 x 309, 313 or 311 M-F 8:30am-5pm EST.
Email the MACS staff at info@macsmobileairclimate.org
Hello, I would like to purchase a shirt. The website is not letting me
Hi Carlos,
I have updated the links. Please try again on our website.