‘Tis The Season to Shop Small Businesses
By: Alexa Murphy
As the holidays quickly approach, many of us see major deals on big brands and instantly shop those deals. I, myself, am guilty of doing so. However, working with MACS has allowed me to understand the importance of shopping with small businesses.

Many of MACS’ members are small business shop owners, but do not let the word small fool you. These businesses make a significant impact on the communities around them, especially those who are members of MACS. They may not be a major name across the states, like some chain shops, however, they still offer the same great service with integrity!
Small Businesses & The Holidays
We all know the holidays can be a busy time driving to & from family, gift shopping, and work. The weather also plays a factor in the wear and tear of your vehicle. So, why not make sure you are receiving the best service for your buck? Even though the big-name shops are great, they can also get super busy. Check out a small local shop, who could be super busy as well, but may be able to get you in, in a timely manner that is convenient for you! Not only will you get the service you need, but you will be supporting that local small business in their growth.

MACS gives big thanks to all our service shop members, as well as to all our members, for their much-appreciated services! We appreciate the hard work you put into being amazing businesses to work with. Thank you for supporting our small business as well!
Learn More
Find a repair shop near you:
Check out MACS’ website at www.macsmobileairclimate.org.
Training Event & Trade Show
Need a small vacation after the holidays? Come hang out with MACS at our annual Training Event & Trade Show in beautiful Orlando, FL.
Attending the MACS training event provides an excellent opportunity to network with other professionals the mobile a/c industry to create and grow relationships with people who share interests and experiences and potentially form valuable connections.
Over three days, attendees can learn from industry experts and participate in 70+ hours of mobile a/c training. Presentations will feature service and repair knowledge for automotive, light-duty trucks, heavy-duty and off-road vehicles.

January 31-February 3, 2024 at the Rosen Centre Hotel, Orlando, FL
Full Registration Prices
MACS Members – $495
Non Members – $695
Get Your Golf On
Get your Foursome ready! MACS Annual Golf Outing is back at Eagle Creek Golf Course in sunny Orlando, FL.

The 2024 MACS annual golf tournament will take place at noon on Wednesday, January 31, 2024, and is always a valuable and enjoyable networking event!
Go Alexa go!!