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By: Chris Holley, MACS Member & Instructor at Pennsylvania College of Technology Over the years, the Cooling Corner column has discussed numerous coolant types. While not an extensive list, most…

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EV and hybrid manufacturers are searching for every yard/meter of range they can squeeze out of their vehicles. In the race to get their newest offerings into the driveways of…

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A focus on EV training at the MACS 2023 Training Event, February 2-4 in Nashville. Is your shop ready to service electric vehicles? The Saturday sessions of the MACS Training…

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EV and hybrid manufacturers are searching for every yard/meter of range they can squeeze out of their vehicles. In the race to get their newest offerings into the driveways of consumers, range is a major factor. HVAC can severely effect vehicle range, and engineers are doing everything possible to reduce the impact of this creature comfort/necessity.

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Plug into MACS EV Program. MACS is providing a robust electric vehicle training program at our 2023 Training Event and Trade Show.

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Are you ready for E-trucks? Find out in the July/August 2021 issue of MACS ACTION magazine.

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