By: Agnes Perez Click Here to Read in English La Historia del Compresor La historia del compresor se remonta a los inicios de los sistemas de aire acondicionado, siendo desde…
By: Agnes Perez Haga Clic Aquí Para Leer en Español The History of the Compressor The history of the compressor dates to the beginning of air conditioning systems, being the…
By: Agnes Perez, Haga Clic Aquí Para Leer en Español Automobile air conditioning has been in my veins since I was born, as I am the daughter of an entrepreneur…
From the Archives – MACS ACtion May 2013 Edition By: Jacques Gordon In Takin’ Care of Business released in 1974 by Bachman Turner Overdrive (BTO), the group sings “If you…
System Service Tips by Larry Turay, AAM, Contributing Editor Everyone has a set routine to follow during the service process when replacing failed components. Sometimes after we have done a…
By: Jerry Lemon for MACS ACtion Magazine Jul/Aug 2023 Issue Everyone I know doing A/C service on HD trucks and Heavy Equipment is slammed with work. It seems rather counter…
For years, we have been told that the primary seal for the A/C service ports lies in the service port cap. Yet day after day, technicians let vehicles leave the…
The European Chemicals Agency (ECHA) continues to accept comments on the proposed use restrictions to thousands of chemicals commonly found in automotive and other applications related to PFAS. PFAS stands…
By: Richard Hawkins, MACS Contributor That is a question that comes up countless times when doing mobile A/C work. When working on a car, light truck or SUV, it is…
The blog article published on November 8, 2022, focused on understanding the importance of knowing the precise location of service ports when faced with a challenging A/C diagnostic issue. It…
In the Understanding and Diagnosing A/C class, you’ll go beyond minimum requirements for recovery, evacuating, recharging, and recycling by offering real world examples in diagnosing and repairing A/C electrical, computer / BCMs, climate control and electronic components. Most of today’s vehicles come equipped with electronically controlled A/C systems.
That’s right. Two days later the customer called and said it was cooling terrible. I had him bring it back in and put the gauges on it and checked the vent temperature and it was running about 325 on the high side and about 45 on the low side and the vent temperature was about 55 as I indicated earlier. Of course, it was in the low 90’s that day.