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By: Agnes Perez Click Here to Read in English La Historia del Compresor La historia del compresor se remonta a los inicios de los sistemas de aire acondicionado, siendo desde…

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By: Agnes Perez Haga Clic Aquí Para Leer en Español The History of the Compressor The history of the compressor dates to the beginning of air conditioning systems, being the…

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By: Agnes Perez Click Here to Read in English El aire acondicionado de los automóviles ha sido algo que llevo en las venas desde que nací, pues soy hija de…

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By: Agnes Perez, Haga Clic Aquí Para Leer en Español Automobile air conditioning has been in my veins since I was born, as I am the daughter of an entrepreneur…

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By: Alexa Murphy Spring is here! With a hopeful mind, we look forward to warmer weather, short sleeve shirts and shorts. We also look forward to the upcoming season of…

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System Service Tips by Larry Turay, AAM, Contributing Editor Everyone has a set routine to follow during the service process when replacing failed components. Sometimes after we have done a…

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By: Jerry Lemon for MACS ACtion Magazine Jul/Aug 2023 Issue Everyone I know doing A/C service on HD trucks and Heavy Equipment is slammed with work. It seems rather counter…

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For years, we have been told that the primary seal for the A/C service ports lies in the service port cap. Yet day after day, technicians let vehicles leave the…

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By: Richard Hawkins, MACS Contributor That is a question that comes up countless times when doing mobile A/C work.  When working on a car, light truck or SUV, it is…

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In the Understanding and Diagnosing A/C class, you’ll go beyond minimum requirements for recovery, evacuating, recharging, and recycling by offering real world examples in diagnosing and repairing A/C electrical, computer / BCMs, climate control and electronic components. Most of today’s vehicles come equipped with electronically controlled A/C systems.

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TEXA joins MACS Trade Show!  MACS Training Event and Trade Show will take place February 2-4, 2023, at the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center in Nashville, TN. TEXA joined MACS as a member in 2018 and is supporting MACS Training Event as a Silver Co-Sponsor of the Welcoming Reception at the Wildhorse Saloon in downtown Nashville.

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A large percentage of MACS members have refrigerant identifiers and use of them on vehicles that come into their shop for A/C service prior to beginning any service work is standard procedure.
However, there are a lot of non-MACS member shops who do not have identifiers and unfortunately are not aware of the potential issues which can be caused by refrigerant contamination.

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