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By: Alexa Murphy Since its founding in the 1980s, MACS has been dedicated to supporting its members, always seeking new ways to serve. This wouldn’t be possible without our exceptional…

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By: Agnes Perez Click Here to Read in English La Historia del Compresor La historia del compresor se remonta a los inicios de los sistemas de aire acondicionado, siendo desde…

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By: Agnes Perez Haga Clic Aquí Para Leer en Español The History of the Compressor The history of the compressor dates to the beginning of air conditioning systems, being the…

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By: Agnes Perez Click Here to Read in English El aire acondicionado de los automóviles ha sido algo que llevo en las venas desde que nací, pues soy hija de…

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By: Agnes Perez, Haga Clic Aquí Para Leer en Español Automobile air conditioning has been in my veins since I was born, as I am the daughter of an entrepreneur…

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By: Alexa Murphy Spring is here! With a hopeful mind, we look forward to warmer weather, short sleeve shirts and shorts. We also look forward to the upcoming season of…

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By: Richard Hawkins, MACS Contributor That is a question that comes up countless times when doing mobile A/C work.  When working on a car, light truck or SUV, it is…

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MACS member Robinair is sponsoring this webinar.  They have joined forces with MACS to offer an incredible opportunity for free Section 609 test prep webinar and online test. These webinars aim to…

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by Richard Hawkins Happy New Year to everyone. Hope you all had a good holiday season. We will begin the year on something of a light note. I am sometimes…

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In the Understanding and Diagnosing A/C class, you’ll go beyond minimum requirements for recovery, evacuating, recharging, and recycling by offering real world examples in diagnosing and repairing A/C electrical, computer / BCMs, climate control and electronic components. Most of today’s vehicles come equipped with electronically controlled A/C systems.

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EV and hybrid manufacturers are searching for every yard/meter of range they can squeeze out of their vehicles. In the race to get their newest offerings into the driveways of consumers, range is a major factor. HVAC can severely effect vehicle range, and engineers are doing everything possible to reduce the impact of this creature comfort/necessity.

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Motor Age Training returns as an exhibitor to MACS Training Event and Trade Show . A long-time member and supporter of MACS, they are also a Silver Sponsor of the training event. Register now! The MACS Training Event will take place February 2-4, 2023, at the Gaylord Opryland Resort and Convention Center in Nashville, TN.

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