By: Agnes Perez Click Here to Read in English El aire acondicionado de los automóviles ha sido algo que llevo en las venas desde que nací, pues soy hija de…
By: Agnes Perez, Haga Clic Aquí Para Leer en Español Automobile air conditioning has been in my veins since I was born, as I am the daughter of an entrepreneur…
Archive Issue Nov/Dec 2017: Cooling Corner, By: Steve Schaeber Tight Threads As vehicle manufacturers continue working towards higher fuel economy vehicles, one of the easiest things they can do is…
System Service Tips by Larry Turay, AAM, Contributing Editor Everyone has a set routine to follow during the service process when replacing failed components. Sometimes after we have done a…
By: Alexa Murphy As the holidays quickly approach, many of us see major deals on big brands and instantly shop those deals. I, myself, am guilty of doing so. However,…
By: Chris Holley, MACS Member & Instructor at Pennsylvania College of Technology Over the years, the Cooling Corner column has discussed numerous coolant types. While not an extensive list, most…
For years, we have been told that the primary seal for the A/C service ports lies in the service port cap. Yet day after day, technicians let vehicles leave the…
By: Richard Hawkins, MACS Contributor That is a question that comes up countless times when doing mobile A/C work. When working on a car, light truck or SUV, it is…
by Richard Hawkins Happy New Year to everyone. Hope you all had a good holiday season. We will begin the year on something of a light note. I am sometimes…
Regulations are constantly changing. Are you aware of all the new compliance issues impacting the heavy equipment industry? Join John Wagner of Paladin Pathway will bring the heavy-duty audience up to date on Thursday, February 2, from 8:00-8:30am.
A look at the latest population trends for light vehicles in North America. Presenters will provide insight on replacement rates for popular A/C products and talk about the changing trends in engine size, vehicle segments, electrification, and more.