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Refrigerant supply, pricing and safety

March 8, 2022

What I'm hearing about refrigerant supply and pricing this year reminds me of a similar period in the mid-2000s. It was springtime, just before the start of A/C season.  Supplies of R-134a were tight and the price had come close to tripling from the prior year.
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Sometimes it is user error

February 8, 2022

I encountered a situation in the early days of recovery/recycling machines when they had just been introduced.  I had set up a machine about four months earlier when the customer purchased it.  I went to great lengths to cover proper operation of the unit and the shop owner even attended a certification clinic I conducted. 
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Air contamination in an A/C system can ruin your day

February 2, 2022

I had a memorable encounter with air contamination in the mid 1990s.  I was conducting a lot of retrofit clinics at the time and had recently acquired a demo refrigerant identifier which I took to those clinics. At one clinic, there was a technician who was extremely interested in the refrigerant identifier.  
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The pulse width modulated duty cycle signal

December 7, 2021

Several years ago, when vehicles using these compressors were just starting to show up at shops for service with some regularity, we were searching to find some detailed information about their behavior to use in clinics.  There was not a lot of it available, so we borrowed several vehicles and did some videos.  The following are some clinic slides produced from one of those videos.
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Diagnosing electronically controlled compressors

November 30, 2021

When preparing to conduct diagnostics on a system using an electronically controlled variable displacement compressor, the diagnostic process needs to focus on four areas.
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Exploring electronically controlled variable displacement compressors

November 23, 2021

Electronically controlled variable displacement compressors (ECVDs) have been in use now for over 15 years.  However, there are a lot of technicians in the field who have very little knowledge about them and their operation.
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Electronically controlled variable displacement compressors

November 16, 2021

what if" this system used an electronically controlled variable displacement compressor instead of the pressure controlled variable displacement compressor?   What would the results be?
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Meet MACS member, Tom Lech

November 8, 2021

Stationed in San Francisco, California, Thomas Lech has maintained a bustling business for almost three decades. Lech Auto Air Conditioning has been busy for 365 days a year from opening at 7 a.m. to closing at 7 p.m. for the last 27 years, with summertime only increasing the demand for the shop’s services.
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What do you know about the fixed displacement piston compressor?

November 2, 2021

What do you know about the fixed displacement piston compressor? 
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The concept of superheat

October 19, 2021

We illustrated the concept of superheat in last week's article by boiling water and superheating steam in a moonshine still. This week we will apply this concept to refrigerant in an air conditioning system.  The still has been replaced with an evaporator. 
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Over 500 automotive scholarships available

October 14, 2021

The University of the Aftermarket Foundation (UAF) is now accepting scholarship applications for the 2022-2023 school year on its Automotive Aftermarket Scholarship Central website. Scholarships from UAF and more than 40 donor organizations are consolidated and easily accessible at
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Behavioral characteristics of various compressor types pt. 2

October 5, 2021

So now it is time to provide the correct answer along with information on why it is correct and also information on why the others are incorrect.
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