Exploring electronically controlled variable displacement compressors
November 23, 2021
Electronically controlled variable displacement compressors (ECVDs) have been in use now for over 15 years. However, there are a lot of technicians in the field who have very little knowledge about them and their operation.Read Article >
Electronically controlled variable displacement compressors
November 16, 2021
what if" this system used an electronically controlled variable displacement compressor instead of the pressure controlled variable displacement compressor? What would the results be?Read Article >
Meet MACS member, Tom Lech
November 8, 2021
Stationed in San Francisco, California, Thomas Lech has maintained a bustling business for almost three decades. Lech Auto Air Conditioning has been busy for 365 days a year from opening at 7 a.m. to closing at 7 p.m. for the last 27 years, with summertime only increasing the demand for the shop’s services.Read Article >
What do you know about the fixed displacement piston compressor?
November 2, 2021
What do you know about the fixed displacement piston compressor?Read Article >
J1587/J1708 and J1939 data line diagnostics
October 27, 2021
Modern heavy-duty equipment is basically comprised of computers with operating units attached. In short, it is a multiplexing system that replaces traditional power distribution devices with ECUs that communicate electronically over the vehicle datalink.Read Article >
The concept of superheat
October 19, 2021
We illustrated the concept of superheat in last week's article by boiling water and superheating steam in a moonshine still. This week we will apply this concept to refrigerant in an air conditioning system. The still has been replaced with an evaporator.Read Article >
Don’t try this at home
October 6, 2021
Don't try this at home! We do not recommend adding a machete to your mobile A/C tool kit. However, in Belize they do things differently. Sometimes necessity is the mother of invention.Read Article >
Behavioral characteristics of various compressor types pt. 2
October 5, 2021
So now it is time to provide the correct answer along with information on why it is correct and also information on why the others are incorrect.Read Article >
Understanding and troubleshooting data lines on heavy-duty trucks
September 23, 2021
Understanding and Troubleshooting data lines on heavy-duty trucks will be presented byLarry Turay of LETCO Enterprises. In Larry’s Saturday morning class, attendees will learn how components and subsystem inputs and outputs can influence HVAC operations.Read Article >
AEM Update: Snap application for off-highway R-1234yf
September 22, 2021
MACS will have a variety of heavy-duty and off-road presenters beginning at 8 am on Thursday, September 30. One will be AEM Update: Snap application for Off-highway R-1234yfRead Article >
Cooling fan circuit analytics
September 16, 2021
What is Peter Orlando’s class Cooling Fan Circuit Analytics about? It all began decades ago as a mechanical fan attached to the water pump with and without a fan clutch. And now it has evolved into an efficient complex electrical motor control of cooling the modern internal combustion engine.Read Article >
A burned clutch is a symptom of another problem
September 14, 2021
Not much thought is given to compressor clutches until they fail, but they are extremely durable. I have personally owned three vehicles that had between 200, 000 and 240,000 miles on them. They all still had the original compressors and clutches, and they were still functioning perfectly.Read Article >