Back to school bus A/C
September 1, 2021
Since it’s September (and another school year is upon us), we’re going to look at what’s so different about school bus A/C as compared to the more common automotive-type systems.Read Article >
Field study: Incorrectly installed condensers
August 10, 2021
I have handled numerous tech calls involving older GM trucks with incorrectly installed condensers. In preparation for this series of MACS blogs, I discovered a salvage truck with one of these condenser repairs. This gave me the opportunity to duplicate the incorrect installation and look for pitfalls and solutions.Read Article >
Finding right side up
August 3, 2021
Most condensers have different fittings on the inlet and outlet. The locations of the inlet and outlet on most condensers will not allow lines to be connected incorrectly, even if the fittings do happen to be the same size. Lastly, the designs of the mounts on most condensers prevent a unit from being installed upside down. However, none of these characteristics apply to the condenser the technician had installed.Read Article >
What is your temperature testing data telling you?
May 18, 2021
If air conditioning systems were transparent where we could see inside them, then diagnostics would be faster and easier. We could look at the systems and see things right away that affect system operation, like restrictions and liquid levels in evaporators and condensers.Read Article >
Temperature Matters
May 11, 2021
In addition to having good contact with connectors and getting accurate readings, there are some other important things to remember when doing temperature testing.Read Article >
Pass the temperature probe
May 4, 2021
The first step is to run the A/C system for a few minutes to let it stabilize. Then both probes should be connected side by side at both points that will be temperature tested in the system. For example, if you were testing the temperature drop across the condenser, this would need to be done on both the discharge line and the liquid line.Read Article >
Are you using the right tools for mobile A/C repair?
April 30, 2021
Your shop’s R-134a recovery/recycling/recharge (R/R/R) machine is in well-maintained condition. You have an R-1234yf gauge manifold set and an R-1234yf machine is on order; should arrive shortly.Read Article >
Contact counts in temperature testing
April 27, 2021
Proper contact is vital when connecting to A/C lines using the contact type temperature thermometers. To determine if I am getting good contact, I always like to place both connectors side by side on the same line and observe the temperature readings.Read Article >
MACS Mobile A/C Update Webinar Now Available On Demand
April 22, 2021
Every year the Mobile Air Climate Systems Association creates a special mobile A/C update clinic to help working technicians keep up with the rapidly changing mobile A/C service and repair...Read Article >
The pressure is on
April 19, 2021
By appearance, radiator caps seem to be a simple device. Yet, many technicians do not understand the cap’s real functionRead Article >
Temperature testing accuracy
April 13, 2021
Temperature readings can be easily used to determine if an orifice tube system might be undercharged, and they can also be used to charge an orifice tube system. But if the readings are not accurate, all they are going to do is cause you problems.Read Article >
Avoiding an oily situation
April 6, 2021
If you own a mobile A/C repair shop this is when you start to gear up for it, by replenishing your parts inventories and an important segment of those inventories is compressor oil.Read Article >